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Courses - Introduction to Python

How to start with Python language
How to start with python programming

How to start with python programming

Teach yourself the first steps towards mastering the Python programming language
September 22, 2022
Python variables and data types

Python variables and data types

How to use Python variables and data types to construct a working code example
September 25, 2022
Simple python program with user input

Simple python program with user input

Python program to read user input using the input() method, perform a calculation, and print the result. You will learn functions input(), print() and place holders.
September 30, 2022
Python string formatting with f-string

Python string formatting with f-string

How to format strings in Python
March 20, 2023
Different ways to round numbers in Python

Different ways to round numbers in Python

This article explains several different ways to round numbers in Python
March 22, 2023
5 ways to iterate a string in Python

5 ways to iterate a string in Python

This article explains several different ways to iterate a string in Python
April 1, 2023
Practical use of conditionals in Python with examples

Practical use of conditionals in Python with examples

This article illustrates practical use of conditionals in Python with examples
April 7, 2023