How to use setInterval correctly in React

Last updated : July 30, 2022

When you use the setInterval function in React, it is essential to use the clearInterval function to remove the interval timer upon component unmount.

The below example sets a timer for 10 seconds. The alert message stays red until the 10 seconds timer is up and then turns green.

Correct way to set setInterval in React js
Figure 1: Correct way to set setInterval in React js

The initial time is set in the state variable

const [timer, setTimer] = useState(10)

Then we decrement this number by one every second. This function does the decrements. Since we use this method inside the useEffect hook, I wrapped the method in useCallback to prevent unnecessary re-renders.

const decrementTimer =  useCallback(() => {
  setTimer((oldTimer) => oldTimer-1)

The setInterval method is called in the useEffect hook.

const timeoutFunction = setInterval(decrementTimer, 1000)
return () => clearInterval(timeoutFunction);

The timeoutFunction variable is to clear the setInterval function upon the component unmount.

We want to stop the timer at 0. Otherwise, the countdown happens as long as the component stays mounted until it unmounts.

  if(timer <= 0){

The above code in the useEffect function makes the useEffect return when the timer reaches 0 or below. That triggers clearInterval on the timeoutFunction variable referencing to the setInterval(decrementTimer, 1000) function.

import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react"
import { Alert } from "react-bootstrap"

const SuccessMessage = () =>{
const [timer, setTimer] = useState(10)

const decrementTimer =  useCallback(() => {
  setTimer((oldTimer) => oldTimer-1)

useEffect(() => {
  if(timer <= 0){
  const timeoutFunction = setInterval(decrementTimer, 1000)
  return () => clearInterval(timeoutFunction);
},[decrementTimer, timer])

		      variant={timer > 0 ? "danger" : "success"}>
		      This message will turn green in {timer} seconds
export default SuccessMessage

The useEffect function has two dependencies, decrementTimer, and timer. The decrementTimer is an external dependency on the useEffect, and we want to execute the useEffect hook every time the timer variable changes.

L Raney
By: L Raney
Lance is a software engineer with over 15 years of experience in full-stack software development.

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